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More details for this finishing - equipment's packing position. (Our nr.: UM 41.430.20669)
Added on 2025-03-10 by RHesse in finishing - equipment's / packing
1 one novopac second hand packing machine
designed for packing of rolls of woven
fabrics and knitted goods
year of construction 2018
model and260 + gsl090
sealing bar width 2 600 mm
polyethylene width 2 300 mm.
currently used for pack rolls of fabric of 1 600 mm x ø of 420 mm.
electricity three phases 400 v and 50 hz cycle
price under negotiation
This offer remains unsold.
Please provide a serious bid for this position.
If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
(c) 2025 Rainer Hesse Textilmaschinen Dresden