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More details for this finishing - equipment's inspection / packing position. (Our nr.: UM 41.223.20368)

Added on 2024-04-20 by RHesse in finishing - equipment's / inspection / packing

1 one testa second hand inspection
- and packing line d e s i g n e d for woven fabrics and knitted goods for take
- upf from batcher, plaiter or stanter year of construction 2019 model 111 eureka 2 roller width 3 000 mm working width 2 800 mm max working width 600 mm min batch ø min 100 mm batch ø max 600 mm weight the roll max 100 kg table higth 3 000 mm consiting;
- entry combination designed for big batcher ø max 1 800 mm
- fabric entry from plaiter with rollers for knitted goods
- antistatic bar with controller
- supplementary compensator to work without stock in the belt nominal roll speed from 0 to 80 m/min necessary compressed air 6 bar furthermore;
- 111 winder verifier with 45° inclination of the table
- internal light inside the table
- double seam reader
- control panel – alarm indicator
- touch screen
- automatic tube feeding from the bottom – mobile panel
- adapters extras for adapter that allow the use of different measures ø cardboard tubes.
- variable cutting and discard in plater
- automatic discard of the sample
- automatic discard of the seam
- automatic discard of the fault
- scraps
- longitudinal packing of the rolls
- longitudinal closing by thermo-welding
- lateral closing of the roll with ultrasound it’s possible to modify the machine and make the lateral closing by hot air (thermo-retractable)
- support for extra plastic film
- extra support to have second plastic film bobbin.
- tilting device up to h 1800 mm
- automatic unloading of the roll after packing into trolley
- predisposition for the i.t. part
- predisposition of the machine to have of an i.t. part, hardware and software of the labellers etc.
- weigher (inside the machine)
- other: how-to-use manual
- ce mark excellent conditions wiuth 12 months warranty price under negotiation

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